Specialdiagnostics » COLLAGENOSON


The age of our skin, which is one of the main organs reflecting our energy and vitality level, can nowadays be measured with state-of-the-art ultra-sensitive diagnosis methods and compared to reference data from various standardised age groups. The connective tissue, which is essential for the body's integrity, is the focus of attention. It is composed of form-giving and elasticity-providing fibres, mainly collagen, non-collagen proteins, basic substances, and water. The connective tissue has a variety of vital functions in our organism including support, protection, and supply.

COLLAGENOSON® technology

In his private practice, Dirk Henrik Tschauder (MD) uses the modern method of collagenometry and the COLLAGENOSON® technology. Collagenometry is a highly-sensitive ultrasound method, which exactly measures the quality and quantity of the thickness of the skin and the connective tissue situation. The results of this examination provide information about the actual age of the skin and are the basis for targeted treatment strategies in the fields of cosmetic, aesthetic medicine or medical therapies (conclusions on the connective tissue situation of other body regions such as e.g. bone density are possible).
Regular collagenometry with COLLAGENOSON® helps to diagnose, observe, restore and preserve one's individual health.

Dirk Henrik Tschauder (MD) offers this modern technology as a standard feature during the initial check-up for new patients as well as for his existing patients to monitor success and process of the treatments.

Would you like to learn more about this method? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891- 15.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


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