Treatments » MESOBOTOX


Large pores, fine creases or simply the desire for “relaxing effects” in zones where conventional treatment with Botulinum toxin is taboo, e.g. lower eyelid, used to be cosmetic-aesthetic problems which could not be treated without the use of aggressive laser treatments or plastic surgery.

Mesobotox Therapy

Now, the mesobotox therapy enjoys increasing popularity as one of the latest developments in the field of conservative aesthetical medicine. It is an innovative special form of the well-established mesotherapy.

Micro-injections of the active ingredient BTX-A lead to an evenly relaxed and harmonised skin surface. This method is the perfect fine-tuning if used in combination with conventional standard methods such as "Pees", "Dermal Fillers", and the conventional "Botulinum Toxin Therapy".

Dirk Henrik Tschauder (MD) belongs to the group of innovative medical practitioners in Germany who uses this innovative treatment method. He is a certified member of the German Association of Aesthetic Botulinumtoxin Therapy (DGBT). In 2007, he has introduced it in Scandinavia and has already received extremely positive feedback.

Would you like to learn more about the Mesobotox Therapy? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891- 15.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


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