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Online Appointment

Over 200 individual therapy-options – for example


More than 80% of all women suffer from orange-peel skin (cellulite). The most affected areas are the bottom and the thighs where the skin shows cosmetically encumbering irregularities and dents in various degrees. Sad but true: Hardly any of the highly advertised products which promise miracle cure, and hardly any. More...


There is hardly anyone who has not heard of or experienced the so-called “yo-yo effect”. 20 years of research in the field of nutrition have proven that our body shape does not depend on how much we eat, but mainly on what we eat. This means that we are what. More...

Facial treatment areas

Facial treatment areas women Facial treatment areas men
Get information about the different facial treatments for women and men.

Press- and TV reports

Presse und Filmberichte

Have a look at Dr. Tschauders press- and TV reports. More...


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