Treatments linked to the topic LOWER EYELID CREASE


Aesthetic mesotherapy offers special treatments to revitalise skin which appears tired, pale and prematurely aged. The daily cell renewal process of the skin is boosted and optimised by supplying individually determined vital substances exactly where needed (for further information please see “Mesoglow“).
Especially in the field of the lower eyelid crease the Mesoglow method (in combination with other treatments) can help to create a fresher, more vital and rejuvenated appearance.
Would you like to learn more about Mesoglow? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891-15.


Our skin is subject to permanent alteration and renewal. New cells are constantly being built in the middle skin layers, old cells are moved towards the surface, callus is built and then desquamated.
Medial peels can help to bring new, fresh cells to the surface and to stimulate the building of new, young cells by peeling off dead skin (for further information please see “Medical Peels“). The skin immediately looks fresher, smoother and younger. A medical peeling lasts between 15 – 30 minutes and should be repeated in certain intervals depending on the content and concentration.
Would you like to learn more about medical peels? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891- 15.


Botox® is the basis of many simple, safe and extremely effective treatment methods. Botox® is a protein which causes a temporary reduction of the muscle activity in problem regions. This again helps to smoothen or even remove existing lines and creases, and to gently harmonise the facial expression (for further information please see “Botulinumtoxin“ and “Mesobotox“).
Botox® therapy is a real lunch-time treatment, i.e. you can come for a treatment by during your lunch break or any other time and shortly after you can resume your previous activities. It is the number one aesthetic medical treatment method worldwide.
One treatment session lasts about 10-20 minutes. First effects start to show after 3-5 days, the maximum effect after 10 - 14 days. It normally lasts for 3-6 months. In case of regular application this treatment can even prevent the development of deeper and more severe wrinkles.
Would you like to learn more about Botox®? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891-15.


At the age of 40–45 years (or sometimes even earlier) the skin shows visible signs of ageing. It gets thinner and dryer, and looses its elasticity and tonicity. Mainly moisture and a variety of vitamins, minerals, micro elements, and anti-oxidants are needed to rejuvenate the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance which has a very high capacity to bind water. Therefore, it is used in Mesolift, a treatment method in which the skin is enriched with a high concentration hyaluronic acid (for further information please see “Mesolift“).
Mesolift(alone or in combination with other treatments) can lead to a fresher, more vital and rejuvenated appearance especially in case of skin aging problems in the face, neck, cleavage and the hands. Internal, natural rejuvenating processes such as the building of collagen and elastin are also reinforced and improved.
Would you like to learn more about Mesolift? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891-15.



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