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Over 200 individual therapy-options – for example


Sufficient physical activity and exercise are very important for our health and well-being. Regular exercise and sports are significant key factors for success, whether we intend to loos weight, boost the body’s defences, improve our metabolism, raise our energy level, or simply want to feel good. The importance of this. More...


The age of our skin, which is one of the main organs reflecting our energy and vitality level, can nowadays be measured with state-of-the-art ultra-sensitive diagnosis methods and compared to reference data from various standardised age groups. The connective tissue, which is essential for the body's integrity, is the focus. More...

Facial treatment areas

Facial treatment areas women Facial treatment areas men
Get information about the different facial treatments for women and men.

Press- and TV reports

Presse und Filmberichte

Have a look at Dr. Tschauders press- and TV reports. More...


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