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Over 200 individual therapy-options – for example


Genetic disposition is the main reason for local fat depots being resistant to diets or exercise. Some people have tried everything. Their body weight decreases through exercise and a different diet, but there is no impact on the problem areas. These areas include the fat depots under the chin (double. More...


Two questions are raised over and over again: What is our age according to the calendar, and how young and fit or old do we feel? Meaning, what is our biological and what is our perceived age. The answers can be very different from person to person and often show. More...

Facial treatment areas

Facial treatment areas women Facial treatment areas men
Get information about the different facial treatments for women and men.

Press- and TV reports

Presse und Filmberichte

Have a look at Dr. Tschauders press- and TV reports. More...


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