From the age of 35 on, the skin begins to loose its tonicity and elasticity. In most cases this leads to cosmetically undesired changes in the outline of the face and to disharmonies on the surface of the body. Slowly but surely, gravity takes its toll. If not treated, this can result in sinking eyebrows or hanging cheeks, or a sagging bosom in the cleavage area and upper part of a female body.

Alternative treatment options

Acupuncture offers completely new, alternative treatment options to counteract this process. Cosmetic acupuncture has a direct impact on the problem areas in addition to a holistic medical effect in terms of stimulation and harmonisation of metabolic processes and the energy flow.

The trained specialist starts with an in-depth analysis of the gravity vectors and the ratio between the local muscle and the connective tissue. After that, special acupuncture needles are put in order to counteract the forces of ageing. Targeted stimulation of the muscles which are responsible for the tonicity of the skin leads to immediately visible lifting effects.

During his training as acupuncturist, Dirk Henrik Tschauder (MD) earned the diplomas “A“and “B“. In 2005, he was awarded the additional title “acupuncturist” from the Bavarian State Medical Association. He is a member of the German Society for Acupuncture and the research group Acupuncture and TMC. During his 10 years of experience as an acupuncturist, he has specialised in cosmetic preventive acupuncture as well as acupuncture for the improvement of general well-being. He uses an effective combination of ancient Far Eastern healing methods to cater to the striving for inner peace, harmony and a juvenescent appearance which is the desire of most modern men or women.

Would you like to learn more about cosmetic acupuncture? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891- 15.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


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