Treatments linked to the topic HAIR LOSS


Approximately 50% of all men and more and more women suffer from alopecia (hair loss). Hair loss is defined as the visible loss of scalp hair, i.e. a state of abnormally sparse scalp hair or hairless parts leading to baldness. Most people who are affected considerably suffer from this increased hair loss.
There are two forms of hair loss: 1. diffuse hair loss and 2. circular hair loss. The causes can be manifold. In case of ‘androgen’ hair loss (= congenital hair loss, which extends from the receding hair line to the top of the head) and ‘alopecia areata’ (= local circular hair loss) are very good indications for the use of aesthetic mesotherapy as a treatment method (also in combination with “acupuncture”).
Aesthetic mesotherapy offers a simple, direct, and effective solution. It is a conservative microinjection method where the layers of the scalp in which the cell renewal takes place are supplied with special vital substances which improve blood circulation and hair growth. Aesthetic mesotherapy is a natural, well tolerated method which is targeted to the individual needs of the patient and shows effects exactly where needed.
Would you like to learn more about aesthetic mesotherapy? Please feel free to select a date for a private consulting from our online appointment calendar or call us at +49 (0)89 875891- 15.



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